Computers and Technology
Complete the implementation of the LinkedBST class, in the file, discussed in this chapter. A main() has been provided in the file to test the implementation of the LinkedBST class. You can reference this file to verify the requirements of the LinkedBST class."""File: testbst.pyA tester program for binary search trees."""from linkedbst import LinkedBSTdef main():tree = LinkedBST()print("Adding D B A C F E G")tree.add("D")tree.add("B")tree.add("A")tree.add("C")tree.add("F")tree.add("E")tree.add("G")print("\nExpect True for A in tree: ", "A" in tree)print("\nString:\n" + str(tree))clone = LinkedBST(tree)print("\nClone:\n" + str(clone))print("Expect True for tree == clone: ", tree == clone)print("\nFor loop: ", end="")for item in tree:print(item, end=" ")print("\n\ninorder traversal: ", end="")for item in tree.inorder(): print(item, end = " ")print("\n\npreorder traversal: ", end="")for item in tree.preorder(): print(item, end = " ")print("\n\npostorder traversal: ", end="")for item in tree.postorder(): print(item, end = " ")print("\n\nlevelorder traversal: ", end="")for item in tree.levelorder(): print(item, end = " ")print("\n\nRemoving all items:", end = " ")for item in "ABCDEFG":print(tree.remove(item), end=" ")print("\n\nExpect 0: ", len(tree))tree = LinkedBST(range(1, 16))print("\nAdded 1..15:\n" + str(tree))lyst = list(range(1, 16))import randomrandom.shuffle(lyst)tree = LinkedBST(lyst)print("\nAdded ", lyst, "\n" + str(tree))if __name__ == "__main__":main()Here is the whole code link: to restriction, I can't upload whole code here.I got two error:Unit Test Incomplete:postorder() traverses nodes properlyUnit Test Complete:postorder() does not traverse preorderUnit Test ncomplete:postorder() does not traverse in inorderUnit Test Complete:postorder() does not traverse in levelorder